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Partners in Population and Development (PPD), the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) announces the 14 th International Inter-Ministerial Conference (IIMC) on Population and Development to be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Yogyakarta, Indonesia from 28 to 29 November 2017. The conference theme is “ Sustainable Cities, Human Mobility and International Migration – A south-south perspective and intervention needs”.

Hosted annually by the PPD Secretariat jointly with one of its member countries, the IIMC serves as a global platform for peer reviewing, exchanging/sharing of knowledge and experience; developing and strengthening networks, strategic policy dialogues; and bi-lateral dialogues; a series of side events with affirming commitments through all.

This forum creates an opportunity for promoting south-south cooperation (SSC) on sexual and reproductive health, population and development. It also reviews the unfinished agenda of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) Program of Action (POA) and the progress of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The goal of the 14 th IIMC is to promote and ensure SSC for continued commitment as well as country ownership in implementing the following six priority interventions:

  1. Providing a high level global forum for dialogue, advocacy, peer review and bi-lateral commitments for advancing integration of population dynamics into the national development plan.
  2. Advocating and generating support for strong national leadership and ownership for the improvement of adolescent's access to sexual, reproductive health and family planning services with adequate supply of RH commodities in PPD member countries.
  3. Mobilizing resources at all levels (domestic, regional and global) to ensure affordable and accessible maternal and child healthcare services.
  4. Strengthening partnerships amongst Member Countries and other development agencies for promoting social cohesion of migrant populations by addressing their healthcare services.
  5. Building partnerships amongst member countries and other development agencies for promoting healthy ageing.
  6. Advancing support for creating greater understanding and addressing the relationship between poverty and health globally.

Conference Affiliated Events

The Annual International Inter-Ministerial Conference on Population and Development is a venue for a range of affiliated events, including the governance of PPD and other special initiatives . This year we have a very effectively engaging agenda.

  • Launch of the “ International Forum for South-South Cooperation ” and the “ South to South Coordination mechanism ”. (Outcome of the 18 March 2016 Ministerial Strategic Dialogue on South-South Cooperation for Population and Development).
  • Launch of the PPD Journal: International Journal for Population, Development and Health ( http://ijpdh.org ).
  • Release of the report by PPD Global Commission on Ageing: ( http://partners-popdev.org/ageing/ ) ‘ Ageing in Developing Countries.
  • Senior Government Officials Consultative Meeting on enhancing South-South Cooperation for Population and Development and indicators to measure the efficacy of SSC in Population and Development
  • PPD Program and Finance Advisory Committee Meetings
  • PPD's 30 th Executive Committee Meeting
  • PPD's 22 nd Annual Board Meeting
  • Bilateral Meetings among PPD Member Governments
  • Field Visit/Lessons learned
  • Thematic-Expert meetings and Poster exhibitions.

Conference Participants

The Conference will have a good representation of about 200 participants comprising, Ministers responsible for population and health issues, Parliamentarians, senior government officials mainly involved in policy making, leaders from PPD Member Countries and other developing countries, officials from international and regional agencies such as the United Nations, youth groups, women's groups, human rights advocates, CSOs, research scholars, academia and other stake holders – all engaged in the arena of RH, Population and Development.

Conference Outcome

The immediate outcome of the 14 th IIMC will be the “ Yogyakarta Declaration ” adopted by the
26 PPD Member Countries, UN agencies and key stakeholders with specific commitments and actionable recommendations towards implementation of “Sustainable cities, human mobility and international migration: a south-south perspective and intervention needs”.

The proposed theme of the IIMC concurs with the special theme of the fifty-first session of the UN Commission on Population and Development (UNCPD) based on the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) and the key actions to accelerate its further implementation.

We will be organizing briefing meeting on the outcome of the conference to the Ambassadors nominated to the UN in New york and Geneva, and the recommendations will be presented at the 51 st UNCPD. The recommendations will also be shared among the PPD member county delegates to the UNCPD.





Logistic Notes

© 2017, Partners in Population and Development (PPD)