• Dhaka Declaration adopted at the 12th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and Pacific (ICAAP12), 12-14 March 2016, Dhaka, Bangladesh

    The Dhaka Declaration adopted at the closing ceremony of the 12th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and Pacific
    (ICAAP12) on 14th March 2016.

    In the background of scientific presentations, technical deliberations and intense community interactions under the aegis of ICAAP12, this declaration expresses the voice and aspirations of 2500 delegates channeled over 250 sessions and equal number of peripheral sessions and constant dialogue emanating out of the community at AP Village, articulating unanimously and conclusively that the various global and regional calls for action for strengthening AIDS response have largely remained rhetorical and have not elicited corresponding ground actions and has diluted regional HIV responses. With current constraints at the national and regional level, ‘Ending AIDS by 2030’ sounds unrealistic, unless remedial actions are put in place. Without the Asia Pacific region which accounts for 56 countries and 70% of the world’s population, achieving the global goal of Ending AIDS by 2030 will be evasive. Hence, this Dhaka Declaration for ending AIDS by 2030 in the Asia and the Pacific is adopted.


  • Dhaka Call to Action 2015

    Dhaka Call to Action 2015

     Shaping Healthy Future for Every Woman, Every Child, Every Adolescent

    Optimizing South to South Cooperation for shaping healthy futures for citizens of the Global South


    Outcome statement of the 12th International Inter-Ministerial Conference on Every Woman Every Child Every Adolescent adopted on 21st November, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

    English   French  

  • Delhi Declaration

    Adopted at the International Inter-Ministerial Conference on “Investing in Demographic Dividend” ” in New Delhi, India, 25-26 November 2014

    English   French  

  • Beijing Declaration

    adopted at the International Inter-Ministerial Conference on “South-South Cooperation for Population and Development in the Post ICPD and MDGs” in Beijing, China, 22-23 October 2013

    English   French   Other

  • Dhaka Declaration

    adopted at the International Inter-Ministerial Conference on “Evidence for Action: South-South Collaboration for ICPD Beyond 2014″ in Dhaka, Bangladesh, 10-11 November 2012

    English   French  

  • Pretoria Declaration

    adopted at the International Conference on Population Dynamic, Climate Change and Sustainable Development held in Pretoria, South Africa, 1-2 November 2011


  • Yogyakarta Declaration

    adopted at the International Conference on “Promoting Maternal Health and Family Planning for Poverty Allevation”” held in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 26-27 October 2010

    English   French  

  • Rabat Declaration

    adopted at the International Forum on Universal Access to Reproductive Health for the Attainment of ICPD and MDGs held in Rabat, Morocco, 20-21 November 2007

    English   French  

  • Johannesburg Declaration

    adopted at the Sixth Ordinary Session of General Assembly of The African Population Commission held in Johannesburg, South Africa, 16-17 July 2007


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