How to become a Member

Background Information

Developing countries and countries with economies in transition are eligible for membership of Partners in Population and Development. Countries applying for membership should have demonstrated a strong commitment to the implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action.

The membership applicant(s) will indicate in writing their interest in participating in South-South activities and their commitment to contribute annually to the PPD Budget. Applicant countries should be able to demonstrate interest and ability of various sectors ­ NGOs, private sector, government entities to participate in South-South exchanges in the fields of population and development. The applicant(s) should be able to demonstrate commitment to invest human, technological and financial resources in support of their participation in the activities of the PPD.


A. Membership Eligibility

A.1 Developing countries and countries with economies in transition are eligible for membership of PPD. Countries applying for membership should have demonstrated a strong commitment to the implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action.

A.2 Applicant countries applying for membership will indicate in writing their interest in participating in South-South activities and their commitment to contribute annually to the PPD Budget.

A.3 Applicant countries should be able to demonstrate interest and ability of various sectors NGOs, private sector, government entities to participate in South-South exchanges in the fields of population and development.

A.4 The membership applicants should be able to demonstrate commitment to invest human, technological and financial resources in support of their participation in the activities of the PPD.

B. Membership Obligations

Member Countries:

B.1 Member countries will contribute US$ 20,000 annually to PPD budget.

B.2 Member countries will appoint a representative to the Governing Board of PPD where all members have both Voice and Vote and will participate equally and fully in the governance of PPD. The Board Member should represent a ministerial portfolios preferably of Health, Population, Family Welfare, Women Affairs, Planning, etc.

B.3 Member countries will sign a copy of the PPD by-laws.


B.4 The Member country’s representative (Board Member) on the PPD Board will designate a focal institution (Country Learning Centre­ CLC) and focal person (Partner Country Coordinator ­ PCC) to be responsible for carrying out the day-to-day activities of the organization.

B.5 The Board Member will:

  • Initiate and support in country resource mobilization efforts in support of South-South programmes including timely remittance of membership fees.
  • Ensure that his/her country provides the necessary facilities and staff at their own cost to allow the CLC and PCC to implement all in-country South-South programmes.
  • Follow-up with local institutions at country level to ensure a broad and deep diffusion of the goals and strategies of PPD, initiate programmes and mobilize resources for their implementations.
  • Take the initiative in identifying and developing potential opportunities for South-South projects in the four focal areas and ensure effective implementation of funded projects.
  • Continually advocate PPD’s goals and strategies with national leaders and leaders of the international donor community.
  • Maintain a dialogue about population, health and development at the national level in order to ensure coordinated actions among the public, NGO and private sector stakeholders in the ICPD programme of Action.

B.6 The Partner Country Coordinator (PCC)’s responsibilities:

The PCCs will function under the leadership and guidance of the Board Members and will remain responsible to -

  • Development of an annual national work plan for South-South collaboration, including identification of resources and support required by the Secretariat.
  • Promotion of goals and strategies of PPD among public and private sector institutions, and encourage their commitment to implementing South-South activities.
  • Supporting national institutions including NGOs in developing proposals for collaborative projects and identify resource persons from national institutions and NGOs to assist in their implementation.
  • Keeping the Secretariat informed of ongoing South-South activities, including current and planned projects and events.
  • Working with the Secretariat to ensure that the information on of the strengths and weaknesses of the country’s reproductive health programme, the priority areas for South-South exchange, and inventories of organizations and individuals with the capacity or potential to support South-to-South exchange amongst members are constantly updated and made available for wide disseminations.
  • Providing assistance and support to the Secretariat’s work in that country, including management and logistical support to PPD meetings taking place within the member country.
  • Coordinating work with other national and international organizations based in the member country.

C. Membership Application Process

C.1 Countries applying for membership will submit an application letter to the Chair of the PPD Board.

C.2 A country profile and the country¹s reproductive health strategic plan will accompany the application letter. The PPD Secretariat will work with the potential member country to carry out the country assessment that will result in a country profile. The country profile would cover the following issues:

  • An inventory of resources such as training institutions, research institutions, networks, NGO and GO resources.
  • A concrete proposal for areas of South-South collaboration designed to improve reproductive health, population and development programmes in their own as well as in other developing countries.
  • Basic information, including the profile of the proposed Board Member and the proposed PCC, an internal assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the country’s reproductive health programme, an essay or description of how a member could benefit from and contribute to South-South exchanges in ICPD areas, a description of priority areas for South-South exchange, demonstrations of support from other governmental and/or non-governmental entities, and demonstrated commitment of resources (membership fee/ personnel)
D. Membership Admission Process

D.1 At least two current Members must affirm that a country seeking membership demonstrates an understanding of and willingness to contribute to South-South cooperation as well as to assume the roles and responsibilities required of PPD members.

D.2 Once the Executive Committee reviews the application, it will go to the PPD Board for approval.

D.3 Following approval, the new member country will sign a copy of the PPD by-laws. Upon signature of the by-laws the new member country will automatically participate in full and equal capacity in all aspects of the organization.

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