Bangladesh Government is reaffirming its continuous support to PPD


PPD Executive Director, Mr. Adnene Ben Haj Aissa, met with H.E. Dr. A. K. Abdul Momen, M.P. and Hon’ble Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh on 19th February 2020. The meeting was an opportunity for PPD’s ED to inform the Hon’ble Minister about PPD’s current and future South-South Cooperation (SSC) activities involving Bangladesh and other PPD member countries.

PPD Executive Director expressed his wish for additional support to PPD from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs not only in Bangladesh but also through its High Commissions and Permanent Missions to UN in New York since Bangladesh is the Host Country of PPD HQs and is a global advocate for SSC under the supreme leadership of Prime Minister H.E. Sheikh Hasina.

H.E. Minister Abdul Momen expressed his full support and renewed commitment to PPD since he has been involved in PPD’s work for many years as Permanent Representative of Bangladesh in New York where he made significant contributions for the promotion of PPD at the UN Bodies. He expressed his satisfaction on progress made by PPD to face emerging issues in Reproductive Health and Population related matters including maternal and child mortality, population rapid growth and poverty alleviation in relation with health. Hon’ble Minister shared his advices for more sharing of knowledge and best practices between PPD Member Countries and promised to do the best of his effort to continue supporting PPD and SSC at national, regional and international levels. He concluded by wishing successful participation of PPD at the upcoming 53rd Session of UN Commission on Population and Development and the 25th Board Meeting to be held this year in China.

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