20 September 2018 Bali, Indonesia
We the delegates gathered here in Bali, Indonesia on 20 September 2018 for the 23rd Board Meeting of Partners in Population and Development (PPD). The delegates including ministers, high-level officials of the PPD Member States, and representatives of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) presented at the meeting and unanimously agreed to adopt the joint statement:
Reiterating that in order to successfully implement the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) Agenda Beyond 2014 and the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and achieve mutual success, PPD with its Member States and international community should support stakeholders, including civil society, private sector and foundation to play a greater role in building effective multi-stakeholder partnerships.
Recognizing that South–South Cooperation (SSC) is a great initiative for developing countries to unite themselves for development, and that it is a partnership of equality, mutual trust, mutual benefit and mutual assistance. Strengthening SSC in the area of population and development will contribute to sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic and social development in developing countries.
Appreciating the great initiatives of PPD since its founding 24 years ago for organizing the International Inter-Ministerial Conference on Population and Development, conducting experience exchanges and human resource development, promoting technical transfer and networking in the areas of maternal and child health, reproductive health and strengthening the partnerships with UNFPA and other UN agencies, international organizations and donor agencies. PPD has become a main driving force in the promotion of SSC in population and development.
Recalling the commitment to the declarations and action plans made at the previous Inter-Ministerial Conferences in Population and Development including the “Beijing Call for Action” adopted at the Ministerial Strategic Dialogue on South-South Cooperation for Population and Development held in Beijing in March 2016.
Congratulating the member states on their remarkable progress made in national population and health programmes which has brought a marked decline in maternal mortality and the under-five mortality, and a steady increase in life expectancy in developing countries and eventually a continued improvement in health and well-being of their people. These achievements significantly contribute to the improvement of the global health.
Commending the long-standing technical and financial support that UNFPA has provided to PPD and its member states for SSC, and the important key roles it played in promoting the partnerships between the Population and Development South-South Cooperation Centres of Excellence and the relevant institutions in PPD member countries and the other developing countries.
In order to generate new concepts, explore new mechanisms, develop new driving forces, and achieve new goals for the future SSC in population and development, we are committed to take the following actions:
Strengthen political commitments, pay more attention to population and development issues, taking the concept of “human development as the center” throughout the entire process of population governance, studying the impact of emerging population issues on the realization of the SDGs, and emphasizing sustainable development, equitable development, comprehensive development and common development.
Further promote the growth and development of PPD, and generate further exchanges with UNFPA and other relevant UN agencies and international organizations, build multi-stakeholder partnerships relating to the interests of all communities, actively take advantage of the Permanent Observer Status at the United Nations, participate in the agenda setting of international population-related policies, resolution consultations, formulation of rules and standards, represent the interests of developing countries, and enhance the international status and influence of PPD for SSC in population and development.
Strengthen analysis of and researches on population dynamics and trend, build cooperation platforms, enrich cooperative content, innovate cooperation forms, identify the strategic priority areas for SSC such as maternal and child health, reproductive health, health and poverty alleviation, healthy ageing.
Strengthen PPD’s capacity in resource mobilization, support its application for multi-channel funding from agencies such as China South-South Cooperation Assistance Fund, and encourage PPD and its member states to work together on developing flagship projects for SSC in population and development that will add momentum to pragmatic cooperation within the SSC framework.
Urge the member states to actively fulfill the obligations of memberships, to pay their full annual membership fee in a timely manner, to provide additional voluntary contributions to PPD as appropriate within their means, to support its work and to actively host its annual meetings to ensure effective operation and development of the organization.
Strengthen PPD’s own internal management and capacity-building, initiate the reforms of the Secretariat, strengthen professional capacity-building of the Secretariat and the Partner Country Coordinators, as well as the national focal persons for SSC by enhance talent training, therefore enable PPD to better meet the needs of developing countries.
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