VLP’s 9th Task Force and 11th International Steering Committee Meeting

Dhaka, Bangladesh — PPD organised the VLP’s 9th Task Force and 11th International Steering Committee Meeting in Dhaka between 29-31 March 2006. It was attended by participants from CAFS, ICOMP and two of the International Steering Committee members.

news2006_3103_1_1Participants of the Meeting

The meeting discussed the overview of the project inputs including planned, realized and ongoing activities. A request for a 3rd extension for additional three months i.e. up to 30 August 2006 had been proposed by the consortium implementing the project and has been approved by the Packard Foundation, the funding agency. Concrete future activities with specific deadlines were discussed in great detail during the meeting and agreed by all implementing partners. PPD will submit the Final report to the Packard Foundation by 20 August 2006.

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