PPD Statement on the International Day of South-South Cooperation 2021

We, The Partners in Population and Development (PPD) are commemorating yet another International Day of South-South Cooperation (SSC) on 12 September 2021, recognizing the tremendous contributions made by our 27 member countries to institutionalize and promote South-South Cooperation in reproductive health, Population and Development and reaffirming our commitment to go forward for the achievement of the ICPD PoA and the SDGs by 2030.


Since its launching in Cairo in 1994 by 10 developing countries and with the dramatic success in its program implementation through sustained advocacy, capacity building, sharing, exchange and transfer of knowledge, successful experiences, expertise and best practices among the member countries, PPD attracted 17 other countries to join a unique and robust global intergovernmental organization leading South-South Cooperation in reproductive health, population and development, creating and continue to create strong friendship, solidarity and fraternity among its PPD member states.


This year, we are celebrating the International Day of South-South Cooperation in the midst of an unprecedented Coronavirus Pandemic that terribly affected the lives and livelihood of the people of all nations. PPD Member Countries, in the spirit of friendship and solidarity of South-South Cooperation, restrained the damage of the Pandemic to a great extent by facilitating the exchange of technology, successful experiences, medical supplies, health scientists and experts and providing vaccines, and the collaboration still continues unabated.


Since physical movements and assemblies are restricted due to the Pandemic, we have facilitated exchange of experiences and expertise virtually by organizing online meetings, webinars and conducting activities in our member states with the support of our Partner Country Coordinators. Undoubtedly, the Pandemic left, so far, indelible mark on the health, lives, social fabrics and economies of all countries including our members. PPD will fast-track the South-South Cooperation activities for improving the health and wellbeing of all and leave no one behind.


As a pioneer and global leader in South-South Cooperation, we have spared no effort to ascertain South-South Cooperation as an indispensable modality of international cooperation. We have institutionalized the SSC in PPD Member Countries, deepened the country commitments and ownerships, broaden the collaborations, built and maintained strong coalitions and alliances with the organizations promoting South-South Cooperation. We have maintained a strong partnership with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) to improve reproductive health, family planning, maternal health and are working jointly to achieve Nairobi Commitments. We have developed strong collaboration with the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC) for more sharing of southern best practices and partnership. Development organizations worldwide now pursue South-South Cooperation as one of their priority strategic oversights.


On this auspicious occasion, PPD takes the opportunity to congratulate and thank the Member States through our honorable Board Members and Partner Country Coordinators, collaborating partners and all other organizations and agencies promoting South-South Cooperation. We wish best of success to all their endeavors towards improving the lives of the people during and post COVID 19 era.


Adnene Ben Haj Aissa

Executive Director
Partners in Population and Development (PPD)

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