Beijing, China — Partners in Population and Development (PPD) and National Health and Family Planning Commission of China (NHFPC) jointly organized a successful International Inter-Ministerial Conference on “South-South Cooperation for Population and development in the post ICPD and MDGs” in Beijing from 22-23 October 2013.
The goal of the conference was to galvanize commitments for SSC towards the ICPD PoA beyond 2014 and MDGs beyond 2015 for Reproductive Health, Population and Development. The goal was indeed addressed on that 10th annual International Inter-Ministerial conference hosted by PPD and a declaration was adopted on development goals of post ICPD and MDGs in the focus of sustainable development for global south.
H.E Dr. Li Bin, Vice Chair of PPD Board and the Honourable Minister of NHFPC, China delivering speech at the opening session of the conference
This two day-long conference was attended by more than 150 participants from different countries. The conference was clustered into six sessions focusing on six different themes excluding the opening and closing session; the themes were
- Session I: Family planning for Sustainable Development in the context of South-South cooperation for post ICPD and MDGs
- Session II: Integrating population Dynamics into National Development Goals in the context of South-South cooperation for post ICPD and MDGs
- Session III: Investing for demographic Dividend; lesson learned and implications for South-south Cooperation in the context of post ICPD and MDGs.
- Session IV: Sexual and Reproductive Health for all in the in the context of South-South Cooperation for post ICPD and MDGs
- Session V: PPD Position Paper on South-South Cooperation priorities for ICPD beyond 2014 and post MDGs.
- Session VI: Adoption of declaration
The opening ceremony was chaired by H.E. Dr. Ma Xiaowei, Honourable vice Minister, National Health and Family Planning Commission of China (NHFPC). H.E Dr. Li Bin, Vice Chair of PPD Board and the Honourable Minister of National Health and Family Planning Commission of China (NHFPC), H.E. Prof. A. F. M. Ruhal Haque, MP, Honorable Minister, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW), Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and Dr. Kate Gilmore, Deputy Executive Director, Programme, UNFPA and assistant Secretary-General of United Nations deliver the welcome remarks in the opening session of the conference.
Participants of the Conference
Ministers and Govt. Representatives from the PPD Member Countries, Deputy Executive Director of UNFPA, Senior Advisor of UNAIDS and UNITAID, Director of FP2020, Regional Director of International Planned Parenthood Federation, Executive Director of PMNCH, Researcher from APRC, Professor of Renmin University China, President and Chair of Population Communication USA, Researcher from Population Council Ghana, Representative from Golden Girl Project Bangladesh, President and CEO of Intra-Health USA, Senior Country Advisor of Davis and Lucile Packard Foundation Pakistan, Regional Advisor of WHO/SEARO, Deputy Director General of JICA , various Scholars , Researchers and Academicians presented their research finding and joined in the debate and discussion during the conference.
H.E. Mr. Ghulam Nabi Azad, Honourable Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare, of India and Chair of PPD board delivering closing remarks at the conference
The closing ceremony was chaired by H.E. Dr. Khalil Zaouia, Minister of Social Affairs,Tunisia. Honourable Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India and the Honourable Chair of PPD board H.E. Mr. Ghulam Nabi Azad, Dr. Joe Thomas, Executive Director, Partners in Population and Development and Mr. HU Hongtao, Commissioner, department of International Cooperation, NHFPC, P.R. China delivered the closing statement. The vote of thanks was given by Dr. Boniface O, K’Oyugi, MBS, Director General, National Coordinating agency for Population and Development, Kenya and Secretary of PPD Board and a declaration titled “Beijing Declaration: Partners in Population and Development, South-South Cooperation to achieve ICPD Goals” was adopted.