Session I: Universal Access to Reproductive Health And Family Planning
- Case study on increased funding for Family Planning – Dr. Chris Baryomunsi, MP, Chairperson Uganda’s Parliamentary Forum on Food Security, Population and Development
- National Rural Health Mission – Mr. Sundeep K Nayak, IAS, PCC and Joint Secretary, Department of Health & Family Welfare, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, India
- South south cooperation to support access to Reproductive Health : lessons from Morocco – Dr. Lahsen Rachidi, PPD Desk officer in Morocco, Direction of Population, Morocco
Session II: South-South Cooperation to Move Forward The London Family Planning Summit Commitments
- The role of research evidence in scaling up and replicating FP programs – Dr. Ian Askew, Research Director, Strengthening Evidence for Programming on Unintended Pregnancy (STEP UP), Population Council
- Country engagement in London FP summit & way forward – Dr. Mohammed Jibril Abdullahi, PCC Nigeria
- Country engagement in London FP summit & way forward – Dr. Bocar Mamadou Daff, PCC , Senegal
Session III: Rights Based Programming for Adolescents and Other Vulnerable Groups
- Keynote presentation – Mr. Paul Perchal, Vice President of Program Management, EngenderHealth
- Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights: Research Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa – Dr. Blessing Mberu, Associate Research Scientist, African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC)
- Aging and Aged care needs – Lt. General Bhupendar Singh
- Right based programming for adolecsents – Prof. (Dr) SM Shahnawaz Bin Tabib, Executive Director, Institute of Mother and Child Health, Dhaka
- Rights Based Approach to Adolescents Reproductive Health and needs – Mr. Rakibul Hasan, Young Person’s representative, UNFPA Youth Forum for RH
Book Launch: “Population Trends and Policy Options in Selected Developing Countries”
Session IV: Reproductive, Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health (RMNCH)
- Keynote presentation – Dr. Andres de Francisco Serpa, Team Coordinator and Special Adviser Strategy, Partnership for Maternal, Newborn & Child Health PMNCH (WHO)
- Reduction of neonatal mortality through community based services: Recent experience from Matlab, Bangladesh – Dr. Abbas Uddin Bhuiya, Deputy and Acting Executive Director, ICDDR,B
- Eliminating Parent to Child Transmission : Counting down – Dr. Swarup Sarker, UNITAID
Session V: South-South Partnerships for Multi-Sectoral HIV/AIDS Response
- Ending Aids: What will it take in Asia Pacific? – Mr. Steven J Kraus, Director, UNAIDS Regional Director, Technical Support Team for Asia and the Pacific
- Women living with HIV: Experiences and learning in integrating HIV/AIDS, RH and FP programs – Ms. Anandi Yuvaraj, Regional Coordinator-Asia Pacific, ICW Asia Pacific
- Multi Sectoral HIV responses in Zimbabwe – Dr. Munyaradzi Murwira, PCC Zimbabwe
Session VI: Gender Equity, Equality and Women Empowerment for Sustainable Development
- Women’s Health: A missing sustainability issue – Ms. Vanita Gowda, Senior Director, Women Deliver
- Gender based violence – Advocate Tarana Halim, Honourable Member of Parliament, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh
- Gender based programming for people with disabilities – Ms. Valerie A. Taylor, Founder and coordinator, Centre for the Rehabilitation of the Paralysed (CRP)