Session I: Advancing integration of population dynamics into national development plan
- Understanding research uptake in advancing integration of population dynamics into national policy and program change – Dr. Osama Refaat Sherif, Paediatrician & International Master Trainer, Johns Hopkins University, Resource Person of Gillespie Foundation, Technical Adviser & Head of Department, Hospitals Logistics Management, Institute for International Transportation & Logistics, Egypt [Size: 3.01 MB]
- Harmonized Approach to Integration of Population Factors into Development Planning - Dr. Betty Kyadondo, Head of Family Health Department, Population Secretariat (POPSEC), Ministry of Finance, Planning & Economic Development, Government of the Republic of Uganda [Size: 1.32 MB]
- Intégrer la dynamique de la population dans la planification du développement: Sénégal – Mrs. Andrea Wojnar Diagne, UNFPA Country Representative, Dakar, Senegal [Size: 1.07 MB]
Session II: Improving adolescent’s access to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Family Planning services
- Access to safe abortion and contraception: policy and program challenges in developing countries – Dr. Patrick Djemo, Acting Country Director, IPAS Zambia [Size: 736.97 KB]
- Inequalities in human resources and health expenditure in PPD member countries – Dr. Saseendran Pallikadavath, Reader in Demography and Global Health, School of Health Sciences and Social Work,University of Portsmouth [Size: 664.29 KB]
- Gender and Adolescence: Capabilities, change strategies and contexts for well-being – Dr. Ernestina Coast, Associate Professor, London School of Economics, London, United Kingdom [Size: 853.76 KB]
- Accelerating progress in Adolescent’s Sexual and reproductive Health and Family Planning Services: Evidence from Ghana – Dr. Marian W. A. Kpakpah, Executive Director, National Population Council, Government of the Republic of Ghana [Size: 770.4 KB]
- Zimbabwe Situation: Accelerating Progress in Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health (ASRH) and Family Planning (FP) Services – Dr. Munyaradzi Murwira, Executive Director, Zimbabwe National Family Planning Council, Government of Zimbabwe [Size: 1.10 MB]
Session III: Unfinished agenda of Improving maternal and child health
- Keynote Presentation – Dr. Surya Chandra Surapaty, MPH, Honourable Chairperson, The National Population and Family Planning Board (NPFPB) [Size: 694.48 KB]
- Transitioning in the SDGs era: the role of the Partnership for Maternal, Newborn & Child Health – Dr. Emanuele Capobianco, Deputy Director, Partnership for Maternal New-born & Child Health, World Health Organization, FWC/NMC/, Geneva Switzerland [Size: 1.42 MB]
- Improve maternal and child health to achieve SDGs: Thailand – Dr. Kittipong Saejeng, Director, Family Planning and Population Division, Department of Health, Ministry of Public Health, Government of Thailand [Size: 1.31 MB]
Session IV: Promoting social cohesion of migrant population by addressing women’s health services
- Keynote Presentation – Dr. Veronica Magar, Team leader, Gender Equity and Human Rights, WHO, Geneva [Size: 932.80 KB]
- Global international migration and the policy gaps to address the demand for reproductive health and family planning: The Role of Entertainment Mass Media – Director of Program & Partnership Development, Population Media Center [Size: 2.05 MB]
- The changes in global migration patters: challenges for reproductive health services – Ms. Nompumelelo S Nzimande University of Kwazulu-Natal. Department of Population Studies and Development Studies, South Africa [Size: 346.79 KB]
- Promoting migrant-sensitive heath policies and programs: Lesson learnt from Vietnam – Mr. Nguyen Van Tan,General Director of General Office for Population-Family Planning (GOPFP), Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam [Size: 3.84 MB]
- Promoting migrant-sensitive health policies and programs: lessons from India – Prof. S. Irudaya Rajan, Centre for Development Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, India [Size: 49.78 KB]
- Promoting migrant-sensitive health policies and programs: lessons from China – Ms. YAN Hong, Deputy Director General, Department of Services and Management for Migrant Population, National Health and Family Planning Commission of China, Government of China [Size: 729.88 KB]
Session V: Promoting healthy ageing in developing countries: challenges and opportunities
- Keynote Presentation – Prof. S. Siva Raju, Deputy Director, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, India [Size: 1.20 MB]
- Realizing universal health coverage and wellbeing of older persons: Equity perspective – Dr. Ritu Sadana, Lead Specialist, Ageing and Life Course, World Health Organization Geneva [Size: 2.53 MB]
- Mental health of elderly and the policy perspective – Dr. Nima Ganga, Centre for Health and Mental Health, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, India [Size: 283.03 KB]
- Fostering Healthy Ageing: Evidence from Thailand – Dr. Wachira Pengjuntr, Honorable Director-General, Department of Health, Ministry of Public Health, Royal Thai Government [Size: 2.03 MB]
- Fostering Healthy Ageing: Evidence from Vietnam – Dr. Pham vu Hoang, Director of Center for Population Research, Information and Database (CPRID), Ministry of Health, Vietnam [Size: 2.03 MB]
Session VI: Creating greater understanding and addressing the relationship between reproductive health and poverty
- Keynote Presentation – Dr. Eliya M. Zulu, Executive Director, African Institute for Development Policy (AFIDEP), Kenya [Size: 2.89 MB]
- Family planning: a triple return on investment for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals – Mr. Pape A Gaye, President and CEO, Intra-Health International [Size: 1.78 MB]
- Enhancing Partnerships to Support Partner Country Efforts: South-south Evidence to address the relationship between reproductive health and poverty – Mr. Hu Hongtao, Senior Advisor for South-South Cooperation to PPD and formerly Commissioner of National Health and Family Planning Commission of China, Government of the People’s Republic of China [Size: 550.22 KB]
- Policies and programs towards improving relationship between sexual reproductive health and poverty: evidence from Nigeria – Dr. Faniran Sanjo Oladepo, Director, International Cooperation Department, UN System Unit, National Planning Commission, Government of Nigeria [Size: 2.03 MB]
- Understanding research uptake in advancing integration of sexual reproductive health and poverty into national policy and program change – Dr. Bocar Mamadou DAFF, Director of Reproductive Health and Child Survival, Ministry of Health and Social Action, Government of Senegal [Size: 244.44 KB]