Joint Declaration at the side event on ‘Impact of the recommendations of United Nations Secretary-General’s High-Level Panel on Access to Medicines for the achievement of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda’


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Considering the importance of work and report of High-Level Panel on Access to Medicines convened by the United Nations Secretary-General in the light of the 2030 Agenda for Development and the Sustainable Development Goals;

Recalling that the Constitution of the World Health Organization shall be the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health as one of the fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race, religion, political belief, economic or social condition;

Taking into account that the attainment of the highest standards of health require focused interventions; and its pre-eminent function is to act as the directing and coordinating authority on international health work;

Acknowledging the four main objectives of WHO’s medicines strategy, namely, to frame and implement policy; to ensure access; to ensure quality, safety and efficacy; and to promote rational use of medicines;

Noting further the role of WHO to provide full support and technical cooperation to Member States;

We, the Sponsors and Co-Sponsors of the Side Event at the World Health Assembly 2017,

Call upon WHO Member States to strengthen co-operation and share initiatives and lessons learned on access to medicines;

Reiterate the recommendation of the High-Level Panel to convene a United Nations General Assembly Special Session, no later than 2018, to agree on strategies and an accountability framework that will accelerate efforts towards promoting health technology innovation and ensuring access;

Request the WHO Director-General to facilitate the implementation of this Joint Declaration.





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