Technical Session I: Integrating Population Dynamics into Urban Development Plans: Sustainable Cities, Human Mobility and International Migration – Opportunities for South-South Cooperation and Intervention Needs (Policy and Program)
- Keynote: Integrating Population Dynamics into Urban Development Plans: Sustainable Cities, Human Mobility and International Migration – H. E. Bambang Permadi Soemantri Brodjonegoro, Prof. S. E.M.U.P. Ph.D, Honourable Minister of National Development Planning, Government of Indonesia
- Uganda’s experience in integrating population dynamics into urban development plans: A south-south perspective and intervention needs in the post-2015 agenda – Prof. Dr. Ssebuliba John Baptist Ssekamatte, Director, Population and Social Sector Planning, National Planning Authority, Government of Uganda
- Sustainable Cities, Human Mobility and International Migration – A South to South Perspective and Intervention Needs – Dr. Jennifer Butler, Deputy Director, UNFPA Asia and the Pacific Regional Office
- South Africa’s experience in integrating population dynamics into development plans – Ms. Nompumelelo S Nzimande, Department of Population Studies and Development Studies, University of Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa
- Experience in Providing Family Planning Services to Migration/Refugee Population in North Sumatra and Bali – Dr. Dwi Listya Wardhani, Deputy For Family Planning and Reproductive Health, National Population and Family Planning Board
Technical Session II: Improving adolescent’s access to sexual, reproductive health and family planning services in the urban settings: Sustainable Cities, Human Mobility and International Migration – Opportunities for South-South Cooperation and Intervention Needs (Policy and Program)
- Keynote Presentation – Head of National Population and Family Planning Board, (BKKBN) Indonesia
- Lessons from the Gates Institute: Advancing AYSRH and FP services in urban settings: Opportunities for south-south cooperation and intervention needs – The Bill & Melinda Gates Institute: Mr. Kojo Lokko, Deputy Director, The Challenge Initiative, US
- Meaningful Youth Engagement in Global Health Dialogue – Ms. Leigha McCarroll, Policy and Governance Officer, CanWaCH, Canada
- Improving Adolescent Access to Reproductive Health Information, Education, and Communication in Urban Setting, Sustainable Cities, Human Mobility, and International Migration – Dr. Anung Sugihantono, M. Kes, Director General for Public Health, Ministry of Health, Indonesia
- Adolescent and Youth Sexual Reproductive Health: Experience from Zimbabwe – Dr. Munyaradzi Murwira, Executive Director, Zimbabwe National Family Planning Council and PCC of PPD, Government of Zimbabwe
- Improving adolescent’s access to SRH and family planning services in urban settings: Opportunities for South-South Cooperation and Intervention Needs – Dr. Betty Kyaddondo, Director, NPC, Ministry of Finance, Planning & Economic Development and PCC of PPD, Govt. of Uganda
- Expérience du Bénin dans l’amélioration de l’accès des adolescents aux services de SSR/PF en milieu urbain: une perspective sud-sud et des besoins d’intervention dans le PPD pour l’après-2015 – D. Gaston AHOUNOU, Médecin de Santé, Publique, Epidémiologiste, Chef Service Planification Familiale,Santé des Adolescents et Jeunes, Direction Santé Mère Enfant (DSME/MS/BENIN), Government of BENIN and PCC of PPD
Technical Session III: Improving Maternal and Child Health in the Urban Context: Sustainable Cities, Human Mobility and International Migration – Opportunities for South-South Cooperation and Intervention Needs (Policy and Program)
- Enhancing Population Health Capacity: A Community Oriented Primary Care Framework: South to South Implications – Dr. Ayman A.E. El-Mohandes, Dean of the Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy, City University of New York
- SSTC in Reproductive Health/Family Planning: Asia, Pacific & beyond: Innovative Partnerships – Dr. Annette Sachs Robertson, Representative, UNFPA Indonesia Country Office
- Improving maternal and child health in the urban contexts: Challenges and strategies – Prof. Dr. Budi Utomo, MPH, PhD, Faculty of Public Health, University of Indonesia
- Promotion of Maternal & Child Health National Polices & Programs of Egypt in the Context of MDG4 to Achieve SDGs – Dr. Osama Refaat, International Consultant Resource Person of Egypt & Representative of Population Communication & Gillespie Foundation, California, USA
Technical Session IV: Promoting Healthy Ageing in the Urban Settings: Sustainable Cities, Human Mobility and International Migration – Opportunities for South-South Cooperation and Intervention Needs (Policy and Program)
- Promoting Healthy Ageing in Urban Settings: Sustainable Cities, Human Mobility and International Migration: Opportunity for South-South Cooperation and Intervention Needs – Dr. Maliki, Director for Population Planning and Social Security, Ministry of National Development Planning, Government of Indonesia
- Promoting Healthy Ageing in the Urban Settings: Sustainable Cities, Human Mobility and International Migration: Opportunities for South-South Cooperation and Intervention Needs – Prof. Sri Moertiningsih Adioetomo, SE, MA, PhD, Demographic Institute, Faculty of Economy, University of Indonesia
- Healthy Ageing Practice in China – Dr. Cai Fei, Deputy Director General of Department of Family Development, NHFPC, China
- Vietnam’s experience in promoting healthy ageing – Dr. PHAM VU HOANG, Deputy Director of the Centre for Population Research, Information and Documentation, The General Office for Population and Family Planning (GOPFP), Vietnam
Technical Session V: Promoting social cohesion of migrant populations by addressing their reproductive health care services: Sustainable Cities, Human Mobility and International Migration – Opportunities for South-South Cooperation and Intervention Needs (Policy and Program)
- Keynote Presentation: Health Service and Social Integration for Migrant Population: lessons from China – Mr. Wang Qian, Director General of Department of Services and Management for Migrant Population, NHFPC, China
- Promoting social cohesion of migrant populations by addressing reproductive health care needs: Sustainable cities, human mobility and international migration – Mr. Pape A Gaye, President and CEO, Intra-Health International, United States
- UNFPA in SYRIA: An OVERVIEW – Mr. Massimo Diana, Representative, UNFPA Syria Country Office
- Promoting social cohesion of young migrants by addressing their reproductive health care services – Dr. Jim Sherry, Director, TRAction and Professor of Immigrant, Refugee and Global Health, City University, New York
- Complex Issues of Indonesian International Labour Migration – Prof. Dr. Drs. Sukamdi, Centre for Population Studies, University of Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
- Promoting Social Cohesion of migrant populations by addressing their reproductive health care services: Opportunities for South-South Cooperation and Intervention Needs – Dr. Jotham Musinguzi, Director General, National Population Council, Government of Uganda
- Promoting Social Cohesion of Migrants by Addressing Their Reproductive Health care Services: Experiences from Viet Nam – Mr. Nguyen Van Tan, Member of PPD Board, Director-General, The General Office for Population-Family Planning (GOPFP), Board Member, PPD, Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Technical Session VI: Creating greater understanding and addressing the relationship between poverty and reproductive health in the urban setting: Sustainable Cities, Human Mobility and International Migration – Opportunities for South-South Cooperation and Intervention needs (Policy and Program)
- The Reproductive Health Programme and Equity Considerations in Bangladesh: Lessons for Countries in the South – Dr. Barkat-e-Khuda, Professor, Department of Economics, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Poverty, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in South Africa – Mr. Jacques van Zuydam, Chief Director, Population and Development, Department of Social Development and PCC of PPD, Government of the Republic of South Africa
- Advances and Perspectives of Vasectomy in Mexico – Mr. Abraham ROJAS JOYNER, General Director for Population Programs and International Affairs, General Secretariat of the National Population Council and PCC of PPD, Government of Mexico
- Creating greater understanding and addressing the relationship between poverty and reproductive health in the urban setting: Sustainable Cities, Human Mobility and International Migration: Opportunities for South-South Cooperation and Intervention needs (Policy and Program) – Dr. S. K. Sikdar, MBBS, MD, Deputy Commissioner, In-charge: Family Planning Division, MOHFW, Government of India
- Addressing the Relationship Between Poverty and Reproductive Health in the Urban Setting: Opportunity for South-South Cooperation and Intervention Need – Dr. Faniran Sanjo Oladepo, Assistant Director, International Cooperation Department, United Nations System Unit, Abuja and PCC of PPD, Government of Nigeria