Day 1, Tuesday, 9th July 2019
High Level Consultation on PPD Strategic Plan Development
- PPD’s Progress, achievements and lessons learned – Dr. Nazrul Islam, Program Director, PPD
- PPD’s Progress, achievements and lessons learned – Mr. Patrick Mugirwa, Programme Manager, PPD Africa Regional Office
- Preparations for International Conference on SSC in Population and Development and governance meetings to be held in Tunis – Ms. Raja Touil Chaabane, PCC of Tunisia [FRENCH]
- Preparations on Nairobi ICPD 25 Summit – Mr. Arthur Erken, Director, Communication and Strategic Partnership, UNFPA
- Preparations for Nairobi ICPD 25 Summit – Ms. Irene Ashikhongo Muhunzu, PCC of Kenya
Day 2, Wednesday, 10th July 2019
Workshop on Capacity Strengthening for National SSC Focal Persons
- The objective, importance and need for Capacity Strengthening of National SSC Focal Persons – Dr. Nazrul Islam, Program Director, PPD and Ms. Tahrima Khan, Sr. Program Officer, PPD
- The importance of capacity building on SSTC, technical knowledge, learning-by-doing activities involving teams of national stakeholders, enhancing individual and institutional capacities on SSTC – Dr. Denis Nkala, Regional Coordinator/Representative, UNOSSC, Bangkok
- Health Poverty Alleviation Project (HPAP) in China – Ms. He Dan, Director-General, China Population and Development Research Center
- SSC Experience in RH and FP from Indonesia – Mr. Nofrijal, PCC of Indonesia
- Definition, principal and modalities of SSC and SSTC, strategic and structural process of partnership, the Center of Excellence works as knowledge hub, exchanges of research, training, good practices and lessons learnt in population and development, role to promote SSTC to achieve ICPD and SDGs – Mr. Lin Yanming, Chief Inter-Country Cooperation Unit, PSD, UNFPA
- Sexual and Reproductive Health Services for woman in China – Ms. Zheng Zhenzhen, Professor, Institute of Population and Labor Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
- Partnership building for reducing maternal health in Sri Lanka – Dr. Sanjeeva Godakandage, Consultant Community Physician, Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka
- Development of National Task Force for SSC – Mr. Qazi Mohiul Islam, PCC of Bangladesh
- Demographic Dividend: Experience from Uganda – Dr. Betty Kyadondo, PCC of Uganda
- SSC Experience in RH and FP from Tunisia – Ms. Raja Touil Chaabane, PCC of Tunisia
Day 3, Thursday, 11th July 2019
Workshop on Capacity Strengthening for National SSC Focal Persons (Contd.)
- Strategic Partnerships: the UNFPA model – Mr. Arthur Erken, Director, Communication and Strategic Partnership, UNFPA
- Resource mobilization for SSC, Opportunities, Challenges and Innovative Approaches – Dr. Hu Hongtao, Senior Advisor to PPD
- China’s efforts and progresses on promoting Healthy Aging – Dr. Xiaoning Hao, Director of Health Security Research Department, China National Health Development Research Center, NHC
- Resource Mobilization for Capacity Building and SSC: Experience from India – Dr. S. K. Sikdar, PCC of India
- SSC Experience in RH and FP of Indonesia – PCC of Indonesia