Beijing, China — The 18th Annual Board meeting of Partners in Population and Development (PPD) took place in Beijing on 24 October, 2013. The leaders from the global south attended in the meeting reaffirmed their commitment to strengthen South-South Cooperation for population and development and recognized it as the key development agenda in post ICPD and MDG. PPD Board Members including Ministers from India, China, Bangladesh, South Africa, Indonesia, Uganda, Yemen, Zimbabwe and Sri Lanka were present in the meeting.
PPD is the Inter-Governmental Alliance of developing countries leading the promotion of South-South Cooperation; governed by the Board constituted of Members who are either the Cabinet Ministers or their representatives appointed by each member countries. The focus of the board meeting of this year was to strengthen the South-South Cooperation for population and development which would be the key development agenda in post ICPD and MDG.
H.E. Mr. Ghulam Nabi Azad, Honorable Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare of Government of India and Chair of PPD Board chaired the meeting. Participants of the PPD Annual Board Meeting 2013
During the meeting several reports, titled Secretaries report, Host country’s report, Treasurer’s report, Executive Director’s Report were presented to the board according to the agenda and vigorous discussions was held upon each report and was adopted accordingly. Board also approved the minutes of 17th Annual Board Meeting, 21st and 22nd Executive Committee Meeting.
The Board decided to arrange the 19th Annual Board meeting in Delhi, India on November, 2014, and 24th executive committee meeting in Harare, Zimbabwe.
The board of PPD approved Sri Lanka as the new permanent member and the Honourable Minister of the Ministry of Health of Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka Mr. S.E. M. Maithripala Sirisena delivered a thanks giving speech on the board. Afghanistan and Philippine was also attended the meeting as observer and showed their interest to be the member of PPD alliance.
Board was delighted to announce that PPD will celebrate its 20 years in 2014 and approved the work plan for 2014 focusing on 20th anniversary. Board also suggested each country to dedicate at least one event for PPD during the year as a celebration of 20 years journey of PPD.