16th International Inter-Ministerial Conference on South-South Cooperation in Population and Development: Consolidating the Gains and Reaffirming the Commitments for the Achievement of the ICPD PoA and the SDGs

Day 1: 3rd September 2019

Ministerial Session:  PPD Member States’ Commitments towards promoting South-South Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) as key accelerator for achieving ICPD PoA and SDGs 2030 Agenda

Technical Session 01: Centers of Excellence as South-South cooperation Partnership Modality: Structure, Commitments, Opportunities and Challenges

Technical Session 02: South-South cooperation for Improving Universal Access to Reproductive Health and Family Planning Services for achieving the ICPD PoA and the SDGs

Technical Session 03: South-South cooperation for addressing gender-based violence through sharing of best practices


Day 2: 4th September 2019

Technical Session 04:  South-South cooperation for harnessing demographic dividend for achieving the ICPD PoA and the SDGs

Technical Session 05: South-South cooperation in Preventing Maternal Death in Developing Countries



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